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Writer's pictureOne of the girls

We had the same conversation as last time...D'oh!

Being that this is the first time that we are doing a podcast, we did not do a very good job of remembering what we talked about in the previous recording. Maybe it's because we had a glass of wine or two during our recording sessions or that we're old or both. I must put it out there that Victoria and I decided to record all our talks about season 1 of The Creek before releasing any episodes. I thought this was the best plan for us since Victoria has a full time job and during all of these recordings I finally landed a full time job that I didn't think we'd be able to record, then edit, then release...rinse and repeat in a timely fashion. I figured if we could just record everything first, I'll set myself an editing schedule and then I can easily release the shows every week.

Heads up, this is how we are going to record our discussions of season 2.

So, the conversation that we had twice was in regards to the relationship between Pacey and Ms. Jacobs. In the "Penis Pokes and Ball Taps" episode (show #2) we kind of did a dive into the the real life incident of Mary Kay Letourneau and and her 12-year old lover, Vili Faulaau. And then in the most recent episode, "Which Team are You On?" (show #3), we basically have the exact same conversation. In the "Penis Pokes and Ball Taps" episode we are seeing Pacey and Ms. Jacobs acting as if they are in a real long-term relationship. Then in our very next show, Pacey and Tamara are found out by the school board and during her hearing, Pacey valiantly shows up and puts all of the onus on himself; that it was his own made-up fantasy to hook up with a hot teacher.

So true

So in both of these shows, I mention that weird, yet very true meme and talk about that crush I had a guy who was considerably younger than me. While, on the other side, Victoria twice brings up her stuggles with how prepubescent Pacey looks and why would Ms. Jacobs be attracted to him in the first place.

But if I can be a little fair to us, this storyline was spread over a few episodes before it's ultimate demise. I mean this is the life of a tv drama; plot lines flow from episode to episode. It keeps viewers engaged and coming back to watch episode after episode. Therefore, we talked about it once in Show #2 and then again in Show #3. I just wanted to leave that out there and make sure I addressed it. I doubt this is going to increase our ratings. Haha! What am I saying?? We don't have any ratings! And I'll probably mention this in an outro teaser/thank you/stay tuned for the next part of our Season 1 which will be our talks about season 2.

I may be getting ahead of myself here, but that is how Basic Teen TV will work out. A whole season of this podcast will cover one entire show. While it may take us some time to cover all six seasons of Dawson's Creek in the end, Season 1 of Basic Teen TV will be all about Dawson's Creek which Victoria is so excited about!

Before I leave you, I can't forget about about the songs to add to you playlist. I went over my notes several times and I only wrote down 1 song...

"Damnit" by Blink 182 (a pretty major hit!)

Ok, episode 4 ready for your ear holes tomorrow morning, Monday July 8th at 9AM!

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